Thursday 2 December 2010

Bread Making

1st attempt
Bread making has long been a thing I fancied having a go at, making a loaf from scratch with my own hands always appealed for some reason.

So with a basic recipe taken from River Cottage I set about making my very first loaf of bread.

1kg white flour
10g yeast
20g salt
600ml water

Combine the above and kneed for 10-15 minutes and then 'prove' for 1.5 hours.  Flatten out dough and then fold into centre from various points ('knock back').  Cut dough in half and repeat the knocking back process, place on/in a greased tray and prove for another 1/2 hour.  Score top and sprinkle with flour, then bake at 220c for 40 minutes.

My first attempt was quite 'doughy' in the centre, I put this down to a few factors, not long enough at high enough temperature (our oven tends to overcook, so I reduced time and temp) and not enough kneading.

1st batch of cobs

I also took a recipe for 'soft rolls' and gave it a go with wholemeal flour, cooked for the recommended time at the correct temp and they were great.  Still a little 'heavy' (more kneading required) but tasted great but the crust was not that soft.

500g flour
5g yeast
10g salt
35g butter
300 ml water

Combine the above and kneed until 'elastic', prove for 1.5 hours and then 'knock back'.  Split in half and then cut each half into 3 or even 4 parts, knock back each part, then round them and place on oiled tray, prove for another 1/2 hour.  Bake for 15-20 Min's at 210c.

After seeking advice (thanks Jim) I now know to 'steam' the oven to keep the crust softer.

Ready to bake

So today's attempt with new knowledge was to create a nice white 'sandwich loaf'.  Dough mixed as above and rigorously kneaded for 15 minutes, proven for nearly 2 hours and placed in my brand new loaf tin.  I also steamed the oven, place a tray of boiling water in the oven with your dough, this should keep the crust softer.

Looks good to me

Loaf is still cooling right now but even if I do say so myself it looks pretty good, can't wait to tuck in.

And if I can make bread I really do think anyone can!  Go on, give it bash!


  1. Looking good :-) The steaming tip came from the River Cottage Bread Book (_highly_ recommended, as are all the RC books) but I make my bread using this method (ever since the bread maker decided all it's bread was going to be completely flat on top!) and it works for me.

  2. Very nice loaf which was met with the families approval :) Still a little crusty though, will drop the temperature a tad next time...

  3. another one 'proving' as I type, gonna try the steam but only bake at 180c for 40 mins, got to get that crust right
