Friday 7 January 2011


Whilst reading Cycling Plus last night I stumbled across an article which described me rather well, "use a HR monitor but haven't a clue what the info means?"  Well last year I stopped using the HR monitor pretty much for that reason, and because I couldn't be bothered to learn how to use it.

Well the article (January 2011 edition) very simply illustrates how to work out your zones and then shows how working in them helps various causes.  So I'm going to get the HR monitor out again and have a go at some good 'zone 2' work to build base fitness and more importantly loose weight.

So for my reference I'll log my Zones

Max HR = 188 bpm
Zone 1 = 112-122 bpm
Zone 2 = 122-141 bpm
Zone 3 = 141-154 bpm
Zone 4 = 154-167 bpm
Zone 5 = 167-176 bpm
Zone 6 = 176-188 bpm

So based on that there will be three main types of session for me, 3 hour sessions in Zone 2 to build base fitness, 15 mins warm up followed by six 30 second balls out sprints with 5 mins rest (Zone 2) between them to burn fat and then to build endurance the occasional 3-4 hours in Zone 2 with 10 minute bursts of Zone 3-4 every hour.

The second session sounds like an indoor jobby to me so looking out the window I can see quite a bit of 30 seconds balls out sessions for me...


  1. Hi Liam. Glad my article hit the spot. Good luck with the training.

    Harry Blackwood

  2. How did you determine your Max HR? I've never fancied paying out for a VO2 Max test and have struggled to get consistent results doing intervals for a max HR test. I've never seen my HR go over 168, which is pretty low for a 36yr old whipper snapper like me, and that was climbing Holme Moss with fairly fresh legs so I just use that. Steve P

  3. Thanks Harry, very well written article for those of us who get confused/bored by the science...

    Steve, as Adrian once said to me find a big hill, go like fuck until the point you want to throw up, then check your HR.

    I did this and got 188, coincidently I followed Harry's formula in the article.. subtract half your age from 210, then subtract 5% of your weight in lbs and add 4 if your a male and got ..........188

    The old wifes tale of 220 minus your age is often close but not a great estimate.

    Hope that helps a little
